Sunday, February 3, 2013

week two - the sun also rises

Honestly this book is not catching my attention. It is very hard to follow and understand for me. Chapter three was the most confusing for me because I couldn’t follow who was talking at what time. The book doesn’t put who said what after the sentence. I understand that the book is from Jake's point of view but it still confuses me. And most of the places they are talking about I’ve never even heard of so I can’t get a mental picture of the story in my head. For me it is hard to understand a story if I can’t picture it in my head.
Where I left off in this book, Georgette, who is a prostitute, was dancing with all these different guys and Jake was getting mad. Every time a song stopped another man asked her to dance. Then Cohn meets a lady named Brett and he asks her to dance but she tells him no. Brett goes to dance with Jake after she denies Cohn. It turns out that Brett breaks it off with Jake because he can’t have sex. I don’t think that is a very good reason to break it off with someone but if she can’t handle to being able to have sex then she obviously isn’t really in love with Jake. I feel bad for him in a way but he deserves better than that. There are more fish in the sea.
I honestly haven’t read all of the hours that we need to have read by this week. And I know that this isn’t a very good blog for this week but I really hate reading and I dread it but I do it when I have to. My opinion about this book is that it sucks at the beginning but I’m sure if I would read it all the way through it may get more interesting but I can’t do it anymore. I got a new book on Friday so I will start reading that Monday. Hopefully it catches my attention this time. I know this is a little more about my opinion than a summary but I don’t really have anything else to say about the book and what I read.

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