Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 5 Blog

As I picked up where I left off from my book Fahrenheit 451 I noticed a statement that caught my eye right away. It was in a conversation between Montag and the 17 year old girl he keeps meeting up with. Montag has brought up several different times how she seems so much older than she actually is and the girl starts talking about her growing up and what her uncle taught her from right to wrong.  She says “Do you know, I’m responsible. I was spanked when I needed it, years ago. And I do all the shopping and house cleaning by hand.” I LOVE this! I agree with it a hundred percent! The world has changed so much even from when I was little and it hasn’t changed for the better I believe. I mean people now days are so quick to judge when a parent spanks a child they think the child might be getting abused at home. However, I totally think this is wrong. When I was little and that was only what maybe 15 years ago and I definitely remember me and my brother getting spanked. I don’t think this was wrong of my parents to do this I actually think this disciplined us. Working in a grocery store I see all kinds of parents and kids and it takes me everything to keep my opinions to myself sometimes but some people’s children are absolutely terrible. I have no better word to describe them how they treat their parents, grandparents, behave, act, and listen it truly amazes me! I just think to myself OMG these kids have no discipline my kids are never going to act like this! Plus I have several friends who don’t have to do chores around the house, me being one of them, but why not? When do we take on this responsibility do we really need to move out onto our own before we actually take on these responsibilities?
So I forgot to mention the main reason these firemen start these fires is because people have books in their homes. Yeah BOOKS just regular books. Could you imagine losing your whole house and everything you own to fire just because you had some books in your home? Well they went to start this old woman’s house on fire because she had books in her home and something took over Montag and while pouring the kerosene all around the house he ended up stealing a book and putting it  under his arm to take out of the house and with him home. WHATTT! He can get into big trouble for this right! Like now days something like this you would get fired from your job right? That night he came home and put that book right underneath his head and went to sleep and in the morning told Mildred that he is sick and she doesn’t believe him because he never gets sick and fireman captain ended up paying a visit to Montags home when he didn’t show up for work the next day and I ended right when the captain starting telling him where the firemen all began. However I think the captain knows that Montag has stolen a book because he states “every fireman sooner or later hits this”. Hits what?! The point where they realize there is something in those books that they are trying to hide from them or the point where they realize that burning down people’s homes is absolutely devastating! 

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