Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog #2

I am still reading The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. Jake is now interested in a prostitute named Georgette. Robert and Frances invite them to go dancing. They are at the club and it is very crowded. Jake, however, finds a new woman named Brett. He pretty much ditches Georgette and becomes obsessed with Brett. So they leave together and Jake tries to kiss her but she keeps telling him to stop because she knows Jake can't have sex. The reason he can't is because when he was in the was he must have got shot in that general area or something. Jake and Brett go somewhere else and meet up with some other friends but one of their friends take interest in Brett. They start talking about stuff and Jake decides to go back to his room. Brett gets offered to go to Biarretz, I guess that's in France somewhere. She declines because she would want to take Jake with. She goes and asks him and he says that he doesn't want to go. She leaves and they plan to meet the next day but she stands him up. Jake decides that he is done with her and wants nothing to do with her. While all of this is going on with him and Brett, Robert and Frances are having their problems also. She wants to get married but Robert doesn't want to and he tries getting rid of her by telling her to go to England.  Jake gets upset by that and decides to leave. He goes back to his house and Brett and her friend show up. Jake asks her why she stood him up and she said she forgot about it but he doesn't believe her. He wants them to get together and get married or at least stay together but she doesn't want to because she says she doesn't want to cheat on him. So she leaves and Jake takes her to her hotel and they kiss several times before she goes to her room. After this part the book gets pretty boring, the only thing that really happens for the next few chapters is that they talk about going fishing.

This is going to be my last blog about this book I think. I am just not finding it interesting at all. Especially when all they have been talking about the past few chapters if fishing. I just can't take it anymore. I mean I hate fishing the way it is and this is just torture! I however did find it kind of funny that Jake isn't able to have sex. And I found it hilarious that Brett won't stay with him only for that reason. That just goes to show that that's a big part of her relationship when she is in one. I however do feel bad for Jake because that would really suck.

I found that I have read almost twice as much this week as last week and it feels like I am becoming a better reader each and every day. The only problem now is, I need to find a book I actually like.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that you decided to keep reading a little more of the book. However, it's also good that you are switching books because you still don't like it. It's awful reading a book you don't enjoy. Also, I like the way you voice your opinions; they're funny (in a good way).


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