Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 5

1984 by George Orwell     
            This week when I was reading I found out that his dream change to a woman.   A woman with black hair that took off her clothes and jumped at him. But he didn’t do anything but when he woke up he had the word Shakespeare on his lips. I find that weird. Do they not know about Shakespeare? In the reading it’s talking about it like it was in ancient time or something.
                When he woke up he sat up naked and then the alarm saying work out time. But later on it says that they only get three thousand cloths coupons annually. So he doesn’t buy pajamas. Why do they get so little for cloths when you need them?  Why don’t they put them there self they have jobs? This part was really strange to me.
                The Physical Jerks started up. That’s what their work out was called. The next minute a woman appears on his TV and started their work out.  I don’t understand why they must work out all the time?  When she started she said thirty to forty groups. I believe that they broke the people in to groups to they have the same working. But well they were working out the women made a comment about a war that all the young people are over in. What war could they be fighting in the sound like a peaceful place? My guess is that there are people that are rebelling.
            It’s really hard to find time to read. I go to school like everyone else. I don’t have internet at my house to type this up and blog it. I have a job that I work about 25 hours a week at. I work right after school at 2 and don’t get off until about 9. Finding time and a computer with internet to blog is difficult to do. But I hope this next coming week I will be able to read more than this week.

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