Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 2 1984

Nothing has really happened in my book for the last 2 chapters which is sort of bugging me. So far with Winston except he revealed that he has a sister. When I read that he had a sister I was a little interested, but then he said that he doesn’t remember anything about her at all. This made me very confused. How on earth do you forget about your only sister? He says that all he remembers of her is that she was a baby and he was maybe three or four years old.

            I do not understand how you can forget about a family member. Even if you were very young you should be able to remember something about them. I have a younger sister who was born when I was four years old and I can remember the day she was born with no problem. So I started thinking maybe his sister was taken away from him and his parents when he was young or maybe she died as a baby. Maybe he was brain washed and that is the reason he can remember her at all. To me it’s just strange.

            Another thing Winston has a hard time remembering is his first time every hearing of Big Brother. He can’t remember when Big Brother came into power. The only thing he remembers is when he did take over, him and his parents ran. He remembers running next to his father and his mother holding what might have been his sister, but he can’t remember. He didn’t explain what they were running from because he can’t remember why they were running. He also talks about how they came to what sounds like a camp for the homeless. He talks about how there were people everywhere on the ground sleeping. He says that one man who is going insane is rocking back and forth talking to his wife telling her that they shouldn’t have left them behind. Winston didn’t know who “them” was.

            One thing that I found interesting was that everyone who had an office job gets up at the same time each morning. They have to wake up at 7 every morning and do an exercise program with a woman that appears on the TV screen. They have to do a series of stretches that are good for the body. The reason they do this for the people who are too old to fight in the army and to keep them all in shape. Personally I think it is actually a very good idea. Every morning you have to wake up and do stretches to keep you fit, this would keep everyone a little healthier than what they are now. Also while people are doing this they are being watched to make sure no one is cheating on their exercise. If someone is slacking off they get a warning through their screen. This is probably the only thing in the entire book that I like about big Brother.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds interesting actually. I like how you used your own life as a comparison with his sister. The book sounds like its getting more interesting to me as you read on. Overall it was a good summary.


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