Monday, February 4, 2013

week 2. 1984 by George Orwell:

I’m reading the book 1984. I’m not very far into it yet but from where I am now I like the book. In the beginning of the book we are introduced to Winston Smith. He a simple man who is lowly ranked in the ruling party in London. He is a 39 year old man who doesn’t really like the way his government rules the people. He reminds me of Martian Luther King jr, he is a revolutionist. He dreams of the government one day falling and wants a fairer and more democratic government to take its place. From what I’ve read, it’s a good book that’s only going to get better as it goes. The book is kind of similar to another book I recently read that was called Fahrenheit 451. In both books there seems to be a pattern with the government. The government is one body as a whole and it controls all of society. The governments in both books see individuality as a bad thing and they see it as one of the worst crimes you could commit. In this book the government looks down on people who are individuals and stick out. The government tracks down anyone who sticks out. The have TV screens all over and posters that let you know that they are always watching what you do wherever you are.                             

                I couldn’t begin to imagine what it’s like to live in a totalitarian type of government. This is a type of government   is a political system where the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever necessary. The government in the book seeks out people like Winston and accuses them of crimes for being individuals.

                Where I am in the book I have also been introduced to Winston’s lover who is Julia. She is an energetic young woman who leads a small rebellion against the political party. She works at the ministry of truth and loves fiction. That’s her department at the ministry of truth. She has different views on why she is leading the rebellion than Winston. she is leading it because she gets a sort of kick from it where as Winston is doing it cause he thinks its right. over all i am liking the book so far.

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