Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 5: The Hobbit

Since I missed last week I have a lot more reading to blog about this week. Though I feel like it taking me more time to read though this book then it usually takes me to read though a book of this size. I think what is slowing me down on this book compared to other books that I have read is that this book has so many songs in it and since it has so many songs I like to read through these as though the characters are actually singing the song. Some of the songs are shorter but most of the songs are at least a page and a half long. Besides the songs there are spots where they are explaining where they are or where they are going to and so I stop and look at the map in the beginning of the book to try and figure out the path they are traveling and how the characters are seeing it.
I don’t remember where I last left off but as of right now the characters are traveling through the mountains which are said to be very dangerous. When they stop to rest in a cave they are captured by goblins that live in the mountain. As they are being carried away Bilbo falls down deeper into the goblins cave. There he is knocked out but when he comes around again he finds a golden ring. Seeing no way out he starts to look around for an exit. Suddenly he finds a huge lake. This is where he meets Gollum and they make a deal. If Bilbo wins at the game Gollum wants to play then he will show Bilbo the way out, but if he loses Gollum will eat him. Eventually Bilbo escapes and meets up with the rest of the group who have also found their way out of the goblins cave. But soon they get into more trouble when wolves that are in cahoots with the goblins corner them when they scramble up some trees to get away from them. But Gandalf has his own plans and gets them out of trouble with some of his friends who then take them through part of their journey and also replenish some of their supplies. They start walking again but after some time they see that their food supplies have grown quit low and are in need of replenishment. Gandalf has a friend that could help them, but this friend doesn’t care much for visitors. But when they come upon his house they find that he is very interested in their story and allows them to stay and agrees to replenish their supplies and how they should go about the rest of their journey. After a few days the group is again ready to continue on the rough road.

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