Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 4-Dylan Hatzenbuhler

A Farewell to Arms
Ernest Hemingway
Dylan Hatzenbuhler

    The story continues when Henry has to go to "the post," so he goes to see Catherine before.  When he goes and sees her she asks "if Henry loves her."  With response he says "yes," but truly feels he's getting put into a game.
   When driving back from the posts the next afternoon he sees a man and picks him up and sees he has a hernia.  The man admits to throwing away his truss (a support for a hernia) on purpose, so he wouldn't have to go to the front line. Henry suggests that "he should give himself a bump on his head to make it into the hospital."  I think he is a very strong and courageous man to help the wounded man when he's afraid of his commanding officer.  And that Henry could lose his job cause of it.
   When heading back he's wishing he's on a date with Catherine right now instead of tomorrow.  His fellow coworkers make it back and take them all out to drink. When drunk enough Rinaldi escorts him out and drops him off to go see Catherine.  When he shows up to go see her Helen Ferguson tells Henry that she can't come down because she's ill.  Henry get lonely after that.
Henry says: "I went out the door and suddenly I felt lonely and empty.  I had treated seeing Catherine very lightly, I had gotten somewhat drunk and had forgotten to come but when I could not see her there I was feeling lonely and hollow"
  • I think Henry would've been way more smart and not have gone out and forgot about his dream girl, especially when he was supposed to go on a date with her the day before, but got sent out.  Than he wouldn't feel so lonely
  In chapter 9, Henry hears of an attack in Paula and gets sent there with his mechanics.  A major meets Henry and takes his mechanics and coworkers to a dugout trench.  When finally getting situated they ask for some food before the attack.  Everything they get out of food from the major is macaroni and a slab of cheese.  When eating Henry and the guys were talking about how to end the war. 

Gordini says: "There is nothing bad as war.  We in the auto-ambulance cannot even realize how bad it is.  The people realize how bad it is and than cannot do anything to stop it because they would go crazy. There are some people that never realize.  There are people afraid of their officers. It is with them the war is made."
  • These are some wise words and I think the man knows what he's talking about.  No war is good to anyone.  It kills a bunch of men and families, makes some people go phsyco when they think about the war.  Others it gives them sad, mixed feelings about the war.
When sitting their talking, the war starts with shelling and than a trench mortar hits the dugout that Henry's team is at.  The mortar exploded through the dugout killing Passani and injuring Gordini.  The two remaining drivers, Gavuzzi and Manera, carry Henry and Gordini to a wound-dressing station, where a British doctor treats Henry's wounded leg.
   In chapter 10 they take Henry and a full ambulance to a field hospital, and Henry lies down intense pain.  Rinaldi comes to visit and informs Henry that he will be declared for Heroism in battle. Henry protests that he isn't no hero.  I think Henry is a well developed man and just wants to bring his fellow men back home.  So Rinaldi leaves Henry a bottle of Cognac and promises to send Catherine down to see him.  I think its great that his men know how to cheer him up even though they lost one of their coworkers back in the war. 


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