Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 2 The great gatsby, Oh I would like to ring Toms neck

The Great Gatsby
Dylan Schulz
               Reading The Great Gatsby has been getting easier. The hard part is finding the time. I have finished the book and all in all it was a good story. It was short and sweet just the way I like stories unless it’s a book I really connect with; where in that case they aren’t usually long enough. I really enjoyed the style of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writing. The way stuff was described helped paint a real nice image. I loved the whole East egg West Egg thing too with the new rich and the old rich. It was funny to me how the old rich thought the new rich showed off a little more and how even the rich judge the rich.
               I have always been a big fan of irony and I felt that it was pretty ironic of Tom to get all sorts of upset when he discovered the love Gatsby had for Daisy while he had his affair with miss hotpants in the valley of ashes. The Valley of Ashes, that doesn’t sound like a nice place to me and to top it of Miss hotpants Myrtle also has a husband but is fine with the affair with married man Tom. I don’t get whats with these people. Tom can be mad about Daisy and Gatsby if he wouldn’t be having an affair himself. Plus Gatsby is legitly in love Tom is too arrogant and shallow and bland for Daisy.
               I find it funny in all the panic when Tom discovers Daisy and Gatsby’s connection he makes sure to try and end or step and isist they all go to the city. He doesn’t want to take any chances. It’s also funny that Gatsby rides with Daisy in Toms car and the other 3 ride in Gatsby’s car like why would the drive like that I mean Tom and Daisy should be together if theyre together. One of my favorite parts of the story is the confrontation between Gatsby and Tom. It even leads up to hotpants Myrtle getting hit by Daisy, how ironic. I mean this book actually got me a little excited at times.
               I liked the Character of Gatsby a lot like he seemed like a real cool guy and when he talks about his and Daisy’s past I really felt for him like that must be a terrible feeling and Nick says he should just leave and forget Daisy like what a thing to say to a guy who’s real down. I got really mad about how Gatsby gets shot and killed it wasn’t his fault and poof he just gets killed for it and he wasn’t even the one driving. So in some way I kind of hold Tom responsible for killing Gatsby and why did they have to ride in the cars how they did?! Tom should have drove his own car. I really don’t like Tom. He should have been the one to get shot.

1 comment:

  1. ur post was very interesting to read. i like how you openly express how you feel about certain characters. i also agree somewhat about how you think Tom should've been the one to get shot.


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