Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Solid read Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451
Dylan Schulz
               This book started out real interesting. The whole idea of firefighters starting fires instead of putting them out was really odd. It’s also illegal to read and the firefighters burn books so people don’t. you know you’re in for a story when governments are controlling everything in the book. It reminds me of a book Number the Stars about World War II and the Nazis taking over Europe. I love a story about an oppressed group of people starting a revolution for the greater good. When Guy Montag meets Clarisse you can already see all this brewing which got me excited.
               In the story there are people who stash books and read despite it being against the law and some even die for the caus. One woman chose to be burned alive with her stash, this really shocked me. It’s crazy to think what a world would be like if we never read and just watched all this propaganda TV and listened to propaganda radio. It’s mind control and its weird to think what if that really happened to us. The government could do whatever they wanted; they could make us do whatever they pleased to benefit whomever they pleased.
               I’m not so sure how I feel about Guy I mean he seems like a good guy but he is kind of slf centered and isn’t always certain of right and wrong. Its almost like he doesn’t know why he does what he does. He just does it to do it and that’s probably because of the way the government controls everybody it changes them forever. People no longer notice the beauty of art and nature anymore its like part of most of their brains is dead. They don’t think for themselves, they don’t imagine. It sounds like a terrible way to live but they don’t even realize it until someone points it out. That’s just what Clarisse did for Guy, she opened his eyes and it was weird for him at first.
I really like the story so far but I think it’s really sad when guy realizes he’s not happy then find his wife just attempted suicide, like that’s an awful day for anybody. I think this story is also written very well. It keeps a person turning the pages and it’s somewhat easy to just slip away into the story. I have a hard time doing that with most books but this one is a solid read, almost hard to put down. I’m hoping I can find another book like this one when I’m done reading it. I like the whole mind control aspect ignorance type thing all the people have from lack of knowledge. It’s a cool concept to write books about and I’ve always wanted to make a film about that sort of thing. Maybe someday ill turn Fahrenheit 451 in to a movie.


  1. this book is a really good book. you'll like the ending. if you want to read another book that involves the goverment taking control of every aspect of life then you should check out the book 1984.

  2. Have you read 1984? (It bothers me that Blogger doesn't have the use of italics in it's comment box. I want to italicize the title.) If not, then you're done with Fahrenheit 451, you'll have to read it. They go together really well.

    I think the hardest thing for me is just making the decision to read, and clearing time for it. Once I do, I usually fall into the story. It sounds like that's happening for you. I hope it happens often.

    What good comes from books? This is a question your book raises.


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