Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 5 The Sun also Rises by Erhnest Hemingway

During the fiesta, Brett meets one of the bull fighters. Brett gets very font of him. However, Robert Cohn seems to get made at this because he has wanted Brett for a very long time.

One evening after the bullfights, Jake and Mike were sitting in a bar. Robert came in and furiously asked where Brett was. They pretty much told to get lost and that shes with that bullfighter now. This sends Robert to his breaking point and he knocked out Mike. Then Jake attempted to help Mike but then he too got knocked out. This part kind of made me happy because Mike was had been asking for this the whole time. Robert then proceeded to find Brett and the bullfighter and he went after him. Robert knocked him over 15 times but would just keep getting up and Robert would knock him back down. Brett tells Robert to leave and he eventually does.

I kind of thought of this happening earlier in the book. Throughout the whole book Robert kept getting picked on by everybody except Jake really. I figured he had to break soon or later.

After his rage he goes back to his room and apoligizes to Jake. Jake accepts it and Robert leaves town. The fiesta ends the next day and the rest pretty much go there seperate ways after that .

Overall, this was the worst book i've ever read and would not reccomend reading this. The story has absolutley no plot and only one remotley exciting part. The end of the story has no twist and nothing happens except they leave spain and go home. The only good part of the book was getting to know the personalitys of the characters.

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