Monday, February 11, 2013

Right now in 1984, Winston is reminiscing on women.  It is a slow part that Winston thinks little about.  What amazes me is how much the government has ridden its slaves of all sexual urges.  In this excerpt you can see exactly how they see things “They must, she said, produce a child if they could.  So the performance continued to happen, once a week quite regularly, whenever it was not possible. She used to even remind him in the morning, as something which had to be done that evening and which must not be forgotten.  She had two names for it. One was ‘making a baby,’ and the other was ‘our duty to the party’ (yes, she had actually used that phrase).  Quite soon he grew to have a feeling of positive dread when the appointed day came round.  But luckily no child appeared, and in the end she agreed to give up trying, and soon afterwards they parted ways.”  This excerpt shows how callously they think of everything.  I am wondering how the government brainwashed them all so effectively, it is like the government to the human right out of them.  Winston also talks about how he cheated on her with different women who was really old.  He felt no emotion for her at all. He only cheated so he could break a rule set by the government.  Prostitution is supposed to be illegal but everyone does it, and everyone knows that everyone else does it.  I think that is a way for the government to rid you of having humane feelings. 

                When Winston goes to the second hand store he buys a paperweight.    I find this odd because the only paper he uses is in his diary.  Then Mr. Charrington, the proprietor, takes him upstairs to the private room that has no telescreen.  In this room there is a picture of a church.  I just can’t believe a picture of a church is something to be hidden.  When Winston leaves the store the dark haired girl from work is following him.  He hurries home and is absolutely terrified, and considers committing suicide.  It’s interesting that Winston is so terrified of this girl.  To me she seems harmless.  So when he brings up the thoughts of the thought police and suicide I was slightly taken back.  I feel like the government is warping every ones minds.  They make them believe that they are coming from something that they aren’t coming from.  Nobody can get away from their own ignorance because they truly believe what they are told.  Winston comes to the conclusion that sexual acts are the best and most effective form of individualism and that is why the government banned it.  Winston has been craving to do a sexual act just to rebel against the government.  He believes that prostitutes are the biggest rebellion of all. I don’t really agree with him on this because the prostitutes would not exist if the government did not want them too.  The government knows that getting rid of all sexual acts is impossible so they left some leeway.


  1. Why was the government making people have specific times for "baby making?" ha
    Did Winston have no emotion for her because of the appointment days?
    Why does Winston consider suicide?
    It seems like they have a very communistic government.
    Very nice blog!

  2. I am reading the same book and i dont understand his thing with women yet.Im not as far as you are yet. but the bady making thing really wants me to keep reading this book.


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