Friday, February 22, 2013

week 5 Catcher in the rye

It is week five now and i am almost done with the book. It was interesting for a while because he decided to just dip out on school in the middle of the night and go get a hotel since there is no point staying in school till Wednesday when he is suppose to go back home for flunking out. After he leaves the school you find out most of the book is him just killing time till he has to go back home.

The best part of the book, so far, is when he gets the hotel room and this elevator guy that works at the hotel asks him if he wants a hooker. He says yes but by the time she comes to his room he wasn't feeling it so they just ended up talking for a while and he still payed her. I like this part of the book because it shows how lonely he is and after this part he keeps trying to find ways to kill time till Wednesday by calling people that he used to know and hang out. He calls his ex girlfriend to see a movie, a girl he was told about by some college schmuck to go get some drinks, and he also calls this guy he knew at his old school for some drinks. In the end, none of these were even fun and he just seems more lonely when they leave.

The book is going slow now and i hope it speeds up soon. I am up to where he decided to go back home in the night to see his sister for a bit and they are just talking. Before he decided to do this he was getting drunk at a bar by himself and his loneliness must of driven him to go home so he could talk to someone. It's really kind of depressing how lonely he seems all the time, its a little hard to read.

The reason I'm not done with the book and its taking so long to do is because i haven't been able to sit down and commit a lot of time to reading. I am the kind of reader that finishes a book in one sittings. I don't like getting interrupted or stopped when I'm trying to get in my zone. I'm gonna start reading at lunch now instead of eating though. It seems smart to me, i pay for my own food so its gonna help get my homework done and save money.

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