Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 2- O Pioneers!

I am still reading O Pioneers! by Willa Cather. I am almost to the end of the book. After I finish, I plan on reading more books that Willa Cather has written, because I although the books are difficult to get into they are extremely interesting.
In my last post I mentioned how I was going to continue reading this book because I was hoping that Carl would return and marry Alexandra. I was pleased to read that he did return to visit Alexandra. He was planning on only staying for a couple of days which turned into a couple of months. During this time, Alexandra grew very fond of him during this time and wanted to marry him. However, her brothers disliked this idea and stated "he is going to take advantage of you." Since people thought this way about Carl, he went away to make something of himself. I was upset when I read that Carl was going away because Alexandra was in her mid-forties and was in love with him. Now she must wait even longer in hopes that he might one day return to her.
After Carl left on business, Alexandra's youngest brother, Emil, decided to go away to Mexico City to work before he started law school. "I want to go to a new place" he wanted his last chance at freedom before he was forced to settle down and become a man. Alexandra was saddened by everyone leaving her. However, she felt that it was best for him.  Alexandra's goal in her life is to make something of her brother. She believes in him and believes in his future. Since he had been home from school he has become very fond of Marie, who was married to Frank. Throughout there marriage they have been growing away from each other. That is where Emil comes in, they both felt the "connection" between them and throughout the story it is emphasized. An example is when they are at a church fair and the lights got shut off. During this period of darkness, Emil and Marie kissed. After this intimate kiss, the confusion began. Emil asked her to run away with him while went to law school. I cannot wait to continue reading in order to find out whether or not she will go with him. They are both young and madly in love with one other. C:
The book is still relatively slow, but I still find it interesting. I enjoy reading books that have love stories within them. I also enjoy reading stories that have to do with settling in the new territories of the United States. When no other family thought it was possible to make a life out of the land, the Bergson family not only believed it was possible but turned it into a reality.
This story is different from the other stories I have read. In O Pioneers! in each part of the story it focuses on only one aspect at a time, which makes it difficult to stay interested. 

1 comment:

  1. I dont know if its my computer but i can barely read this. This is really good but i dont really want to read to much into it because i would like to read this book as well but its looking really good!


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