Tuesday, February 5, 2013

week 2 The Sun also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway. After chapter 7, the book starts to get a little more exciting. Robert, Bill, Jake, Brett, and Mike have a trip planned to go to Spain to go fishing and watch bull fights.

A part that stuck out to me was when Jake told a story about when he was at a boxing fight. He said the local boxer got knocked out by a black guy, which enraged the crowd and they started throwing chairs at him. It stood out to me because it showed the racism of the time because even though he won fair, the crowd still got mad.

Robert, Bill, and Jake, were at the hotel in Spain where everyone was supposed to meet. However, the three recieve a telegram from Brett and mike that they were staying in a town close by. Bill and Jake know that Brett and Mike are going to stay there to party instead so they decide to go up fishing without them. Cohn decides to go to Brett and Mike, which Bill said he happy he wasn't going fishing. It seems that Robert Cohn has an annoying personality because everyone is always picking on him.

Bill and Jake go to a small mountain village and fish at a river for like a week while the others stay in town.

1 comment:

  1. it sounds like in interesting part of the book but what do you think is gonna happen next? And a little more info on the other characters would be good


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