Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 5: 1984

This book is FINNALY picking up, the story is beginning to unfold, and secrets are starting to come out. This will certainly help me with reading. I am a very picky reader, I like books to be fascinating and on edge. I should finish by next week and move on to another interesting book.

Well, a lot has been happening. Syme, Winston’s work buddy who is very knowledgeable on newspeak went missing. I am thinking that the thought police got him for being too smart and knowing too much about newspeak or other things. He is probably gone forever. But this book is sort of unpredictable so you never know.  Winston met a girl named, Julia. In the beginning I thought they were just “friends with benefits” but now I am noticing that they actually might love each other. They stared meeting in the attic or upstairs of the shop where Winston found the diary. It is protected from the telescreens.  At one point Winston and Julia are arguing and Winston says “You’re only a rebel from the waist downwards” I found that humorous, but also demeaning to Julia.

I heard people talk about rats being in the book 1984 before. I haven’t come to any terrible things about rats yet. Only once on page 124 it mentioned rats being in the room by the bed. I am trying to figure out where else rats are going to show up later in this book.

In the intro to this book Winston and a man named O Brien have a so called eye contact connection. I thought it was the weirdest thing. But now I realize Winston was right! Because now O Brien came up to him and asked if he was a scholar of newspeak and invited him into his home to pick up a new edition of the dictionary. But Winston knew it was not for a dictionary. It was for a meeting about the brotherhood! I still do not trust O Brien. He was acting a bit strange at the meeting I thought. I think there may be more to this than what is written on the page. My theory is O Brien is a spy and is trying to catch people that go against Big Brother. He brings them in saying he is part of the Brotherhood but in reality he is the exact opposite. If this is the case Julia and Winston are in big trouble. They would be vanished so fast with nothing left of them in the past. I hope I am not correct, I hope that O Brien is in fact part of the brotherhood, that way Winston and Julia can accomplish something right in their short life. And make some sort of effort of change for the future.

This book doesn’t so much remind me of much but it makes me think that this could happen. It makes me scared with all the things happening lately with gun control, and our economy. I think something big is going to happen to open our eyes and make everyone realize we need to change and make an effort to help our world or else we could end up like this book 1984.

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