Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 4 The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter

“The Heart is A Lonely Hunter” continues to split into other characters points of view, and now there are many more characters that have been introduced.  I have now read far enough that the book splits into “part 2” which I am not sure why it is specifically labeled as part 2, it seems like no time has passed...or any significant events have happened. Maybe it is something I will learn later or just missed altogether. I have also learned more about the setting of this story. I have learned that the character live in a small town during the 1930’s , which explains some of the behavior and language of the characters. For example Portia, who is an African American girl who works for Mick’s family. The first thing I noticed was that Portia spoke very differently from the other characters, often using poor grammar and slang. Yet at the same time Portia seems very smart, I’m guessing that her character is that way because of her lack of education and the influence of her family from the south.

John Singer had another part in the story, visiting his friend in the mental hospital. I noticed that he left without telling anyone where he was going, he seemed sad and maybe hesitant even though he missed his friend greatly. Mr. Singer seems very thoughtful, maybe a bit sad and I find it interesting that we don’t know much about him because he does not talk. I also think it is interesting that he has many friends, every character that the book has introduced so far has known him in some way or wishes to be friends with him. I wonder how someone can have a friendship without speaking...I’m sure it is possible but it makes me think how important such a simple thing is.

Many things have developed in the plot since last week, although I am still unsure as to what the point of this whole book is. Lots of things are happening yet the story is still moving forward slowly. Biff Brannon’s wife Alice mysteriously passed away, the book never explained what happened but it seemed as though it was a natural cause. Jake Blount and John Singer have become good friends, Mr. Blount visiting every so often and actually getting a job so he could stick around. Mick holds a prom party and at first seems to enjoy it before everything gets out of control and she tells everyone to go home. Portia’s father, Doctor Copeland has some sort of fascination with John Singer and wishes to talk with him, and I’m not sure why. I find it especially strange that Doctor Copeland seems very intelligent, talking with perfect sentences as opposed to his daughters and he also seems to have some sort of a dislike for his own race. I don’t know why though and it is quite confusing.

Once again I still do not know how all of these random stories are going to connect to each other. Maybe they won’t and that is the point of the story, to show how everyone is different even if you are all in the same place. But for now I do not know, the only thing I can guess is that John Singer has something to do with everyone and maybe will bring them all together? I still am curious to see how Mick’s character develops, she seems important somehow...even if she is just a young girl. Her character is rebellious and unique, I think it will definitely have something to do with the plot later on. I hope to finish this book soon, and maybe the end will finally explain if this story even has a point at all.

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