Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 5 The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter

Leaving off from last week it seems that finally at least something....different has happened. It seems like most of this book has been just random accounts of normal bits of these characters lives. Nothing too exciting has happened so far and I wonder why John Singer's parts int he book aren't much bigger when he seems to be the main character. I wish that this book was moving faster, it's not as bad as it could be but more than halfway through the book I still have no idea what the plot is supposed to be other than just simple stories of the people in this town.

Anyway, in what I most recently read something that may be important later has happened (Or is it just something to fill up space? I can't tell yet.) Mick's brother, George was outside playing and for whatever reason the kids he was playing with had a gun....I don't know why no adults were watching over them or why they were even allowed to have the gun, especially when it was loaded. George was playing around when he saw a girl from across the street, it seems like he had a crush on her and was trying to get her attention. George forgets that the gun is loaded and pulls the trigger, shooting the girl in the head. Thankfully somehow she survives and only has a fractured skull. However her mother is extremely angry and overprotective of her child and quickly insists that the Kelly family pays for everything to do with the hospital fees, or anything else that the girl will need. George runs away shortly afterwards, feeling guilty but the family eventually finds him wandering the highway.That section ends there, leaving the reader unaware of what happens next and I don't know yet if the book will give more answers.

Now the book continues to Dr. Copeland, Portia's father. I'm not sure why but he is holding some sort of party, inviting only certain people and I think he is giving gifts to them? This part of the book wasn't very clear and I don't understand the point of it either. When all the people have arrived Dr. Copeland suddenly wants everyone's attention and he starts talking to everyone. He tells some sort of religious story that I didn't understand. It also seems like he is very passionate about this story, telling it twice in a row.

I think the hardest thing about this blog is trying to find time to read, between work and school whenever I do have free time I am way too tired to even try concentrate on this book, especially when it isn't exactly something I would choose to read for fun and still doesn't have much going on. I wish we could blog about books we want to read...and the term modern literature wasn't so misleading! I think for my next book I will have to choose something that is more exciting, and maybe I can actually start blogging about what happens instead of another post about how nothing is going on in my book.

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