Friday, February 1, 2013

Kayla Schauer

1984 By George Orwell
                This book got my attention right away when I opened it. When they talk about the electronics like something that’s not really popular. But very one had one because that have too.  The instrument or the telescreen that they called it was in every home to watch that people that live there and to make sure that they are doing what they have to.
                The main character doesn’t remember anything of his childhood. I believe when I get further in the book that will have something to do with it.     When they have parties they go by 3 slogan War is peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. They have many different ministries that everyone has to go to. Like the ministry on love, peace, and plenty.
                They have a small amount of alcohol that they can have for like parties called victory gin or a cigarette called victory cigarette. They only get food when its breakfast lunch or dinner. So if they are hungry between they must wait for the next meal to come to them. That is a good idea no one would be obese they eat the same thing at the same time and the same amount. The problem with that is that some people eat more than others so people need more.
                Living in a place like that wouldn’t be good. People telling u what to do, when to do it, and where you shop.  That’s not a true life not a funny one anyway.  You can’t control what people do that’s not right, kind of like the hunger game the select 2 people from each district and they force them to fight to the death against their will.
                Any where you need to have laws in this place that is set up like this. Everywhere you go you need laws. They help people decide what is right and what is wrong. The book saws that there is no laws but they have to shop at curtain places they only get food 3 times a day. In my eyes those are conceder laws. They must stay in front of the telescreen from a certain period of time or they may lose their food for the next meal.
                A place like this I believe is for people that need to be watched everyday of the year. Like people that are getting out on prison or jail that still need to be watched. Not normal people that never did anything wrong that only did their best throw out their lives. I do believe that I will enjoy this book.


  1. im reading this too, but who is considered "normal" everyone has something unnormal about them.

  2. It sounds like a horrible place to live. I couldn't imagine living in a place like that! sounds like a great book. I'm thinking about reading this book next.


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