Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 5

                I haven’t read much in my book for a while, so not a lot has changed in Winston’s life. He is still is very much in love with Julia and hopes that she feels the same way about him. I think one of the reasons he loves her is because it is forbidden in their society to love anyone. I also can tell he loves her because she is a little out going and a bit wild. She sees the world as a place that needs to be explored and not be ruled by psycho. Julia is personally my favorite character so far in this book. She seems like one of those girls who is a total sweetheart but if you mess with her she will kick your butt. I love how she wants to e free and rebels against everything and yet she is a member of so many “clubs” supported by Big Brother. I wonder is she is actually a spy and is just using Winston or if their love is real.

                Winston and Julia still are sneaking around making sure that no one notices that they are together. On day Winston rented what we would call a Hotel room for them so they could be alone. The room had a large queen size bed that was very soft when you climb in it. Queen size beds were unheard of in their society so most people don’t have one. Not even married couples have queen beds to share; this reduces the risk of people having feelings for each other. The room also had no telescreens or microphones, so they would not be spied on while they were together. It also had a small kitchen and a window which they kept shut so no one on the streets would hear them.

While they were together Julia had brought with her real coffee, real bread, a dish of jam, and real sugar. She had purchased all of the items on the black market. Winston never had real coffee, all he has had was a fake watered down, black, bitter drink that his work supplied at lunch time. The coffee Julia had brought was rich and smooth when he took a sip. He added some of the sugar which made it taste even better. As he was drinking his coffee, Julia was busy doing something. When she turned around her face had changed. She was wearing makeup, which was unheard of and sometimes frowned upon if you were not someone important. Winston could not believe his eyes, to him she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and the makeup just added to it. Her eyes seem bigger and brighter to him and her lips were bright red. He was sure that he loved her at that moment and wanted to be with her no matter what for the rest of his life. All he wanted to do was hold her and never let go. He wanted to call her his wife.

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