Sunday, February 3, 2013

week 2, East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Week 2

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

                Reading into this book can be very easy and very hard. There are some points in the book where the author sticks in and points things out in his own opinion. I don’t mind that, it is just the fact that he rambles on and on and on about the subject or topic that is at hand. It is extremely irritating to me. I can hardly stand it sometimes!!! Yes, you have the right to pop in and say whatever you want whenever you want in your book, especially when you are the author. BUT NOT 3 OR MORE PAGES WORTH OF ABSOLUTE WORTHLESSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh!!! I cannot mentally stay focused while reading the book at that point, but the dilemma is that I don’t want to miss out on something that might be important! To skip babbling or not to skip, that is the question of the hour that wreaks havoc on me internally. I can’t decide worth a crap on that. It’s really bad.  But onto something remotely close as to what is happening in my book.

                We later learn in the book that the Trask head of house (Adam’s dad) marries another woman after the odd suicide of his first wife. She is odd also to me. She is the classic girl in the early 1900’s period: doesn’t speak unless spoken to, is seen and not heard, cleans constantly, behaves herself extremely well, and is 16 or 17 when she is marries to Cyrus Trask. She later actually gets pregnant and has a sadistic son who hates Adam. He needs to win at everything and nearly beats Adam to death the one time Adam shows any form of superiority to his step brother.  He really creeped the crap out of me. Why in the world would you want your brother dead because he beat you at a childhood game…? I mean really? It gets worse though, when the two were older Adam went on a walk and the other brother joined him. The brother (I don’t like the step brother so much at this point I don’t even remember his name!!) joins Adam and confronts him about how their father loves Adam more than he. Adam tries to avoid any confrontation with his step brother but unfortunately cannot escape it, for Adam is beat within an inch of his life and left to die on the side of the road. Later though The step brother comes back with a hatchet to finish the job, luckily enough Adam had drug himself off the road and into a drainage ditch and escaped death one more time. At least, death at the hands of his brother.

                I really cannot see how this could happen. You would seriously need to be really messed up in the head to think, ‘ my dad doesn’t love me, KILL ADAAAAAM!!!!’  it fascinates me that anyone for that matter can think like that. At least it was a good thing that Adam found his way home and his brother was punished, it is later stated why Cyrus didn’t love his step son as much as he did Adam, but we will delve deeper into that story later, I think.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading a Steinbeck book too and I have to agree with how he rambles at times. It is very frustrating to me as well. I have come to the conclusion that if I just skim the rambling parts, I don't miss anything, but I also don't waste my time.
    I really want to know what is up with that step brother. He obviously has some problems, but what caused them? A normal person would feel jealousy, but not jealousy to the point of wanting to kill your brother!


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