Sunday, February 24, 2013

week five, the catcher in the rye

From where I left off last week Holden and Stradlater were talking in the bathroom because Stradlater is getting ready for a date. While they are talking Stradlater asks Holden to write an English composition for him, because his date doesn't give him time to do it. When Holden asks who his date is he realizes that it is the same girl he has strong feelings for, her name is Jane. Holden isn't very pleased that Stradlater is taking Jane on a date. Before Stradlater left to go on the date he borrowed Holden's hounds-tooth jacket. All Holden can think about when Stradlater leaves are Jane and Stradlater going on this date. I think that if Stradlater and Holden are good friends Stradlater should know that Holden likes this girl and he shouldn't be taking her on a date for that reason. But since Holden didn't say anything about it Stradlater went off anyway.
After supper Holden got into a snowball fight with some other Pencey boys. Then Holden and a friend decide to go into town to see a movie, even though Holden hates movies. He went with Mal and Ackley. When they get there Mal and Ackley inform Holden that they have already seen the film, so instead the boys play some pinball and head back to Pencey. When they get back Mal goes off to do his own thing and Ackley is being bothersome like always to Holden. In order to get Ackley to leave Holden began working on the English assignment for Stradlater. I don't think Holden should do Stradlater's assignment for him. Holden barely even does his own work. I think if Stradlater wants to be successful that he should do his work by himself. Holden could be trying to get his grades up instead of doing Stradlater's work but he chooses to do it for him anyway.
Stradlater told Holden that the paper was supposed to be a simple description of a house or a room or something similar. But Holden couldn't think of anything to say about a house or a room so he wrote about a baseball glove that his brother, Allie, used to use to copy poems onto with green ink. Several years before Allie died of leukemia. He was two years younger than Holden; he says Allie was the most intelligent member of his family. I’m glad that Holden thinks that about his brother. He must have thought the world of him. I would ever lose one of my brothers I’m not sure what I would do. Holden said that the night his brother passed away he slept in the garage and broke all of the windows with his bare hands.
This book so far is good but I sort of have mixed feelings about the Holden because of some of his behaviors in school. I feel like he would do something for someone else to get a good grade but his don’t matter to him. If I was him I would try harder for myself instead of others.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Holden has had a hard life. How old is he? I would be very mad at my friend too if I knew they were going on a date with someone I liked. But it sounds like he is one of those guys who doesn’t want to say what is on his mind because he is afraid it will hurt someone. How old was his brother when he died and why did he copy poems onto a baseball glove? Does the Jane know that Holden likes her or is she just completely clueless about the world around her?


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