Friday, February 15, 2013

Week four: 1984 by George Orwell
im getting near the end of 1984. im really liking how the book has taken a somewhat slow pase to a really energetic pase with Winston and Julia as they lead the rebellion against the Ministry of Truth. Winston has become increasinly interested in certain ideas the have been forbidden to be talked about by Big Brother. and with all the time that he has been spending with Julia he has become very interested in the concept of sex which is highly frowned upon by the goverment and by Big Brother. Winston takes Julia to see a few people who he is sure are members of the brotherhood and not spys. little does he know that everyone that he is talking to and taking Julia to are all spys who are waiting fot the right moment to hand over Winston and Julia to the police.

the turning piont of the stroy for me is when Winston takes Julia upstairs of this shop to read a story to her. when he starts doing this everyone who was spys informs the police about what is going on. the police arrive and arrest the shop owner along with arresting Winston and Julai seperatley. Winston is taken to a place called The Ministry of Love after he is arrested. there Winston is held for several months and is tourchered and brianwashed into thinking that he has committed crimes by reading and hanging out with Julia. when one of the leaders O'Brien is fed up with Winstons resisting he sends him into a room called room 101. here anyone who thinks badly of the Ministry of Truth or breaks and laws and oposes the Ministry is either never heard from again or any attempts to resist are finally broken.

in this room Winston is forced to realize and deal with his worst fears which happen to be rats. O'Brien tourchers Winston by placing a cage full of rats around Winstons head. he proceeds to tell Winston that if he does not comply then the rats will eat his face. after all the terrible things winston has had to go through in this Ministry he finally snaps and tells O'Brien to do it to Julia instead of him. this is when O'Brien and all the other officers know they have offical brainwashed him to the point of no return. after a few quick tests to make sure he is lyal to the Ministry and to Big Brother they realese Winston back into the community.

while making this blog i was able to finish the book and all i can say s wow. at the end of the book Winston actually runs into Julia again and they talk for a little bit. only now that the Ministry has brainwasheed him he has no feelings for reading books r any feelings twords Julia for that matter. in the end he shows complete allegiance to the Ministry and to Big Brother. i really liked this book. its science fiction and a little bit of horror if you ask me. its a book that really shows some peoples preceptions of what the goverment might turn into. and its a scary thought that the goverment would know everything on you and isnt looking out for your safey but instead just trys to maintain order in a backwords Eutopia. it makes me think of what our goverment will be like in the next 20 years and where that will lead us as followers of our goverment.

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