Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 2 Blog

Chapter 4 got really interesting! One day Logan set out to find Janie a mule to help him out and while he was out she ran across a guy what I would call a hitch hiker. His name was Joe Starks, they ended up talking and she soon found out that he had saved up a bunch of money and was heading to a town that was starting up by all blacks. He ended up sticking around for a while and she would secretly go visit him every day behind Logan’s back ( scary!) and eventually Joe asked Janie to marry her and leave her husband…at this point I am fully engaged into this book biting my finger nails because everyone is asking does she leave him and go with this guy she thinks she is actually in LOVE with now I mean this is what she always wanted right someone she could choose for herself someone she really felt love for or does she stay with this old man that she never wanted to be with in the first place?! Guess what, she leaves him and Joe Starks and her get married and head off to this new town! Ruhh Rohh, what is Logan going to? If my husband just got up and left me one day I would be furious, terrified, betrayed, hurt, confused, and a whole bunch of other feeling boggled up inside me. With no note or explanation I would almost feel like I was suppose to go look for him.

Chapter 5 starts out with the two of them arriving to this town they set out for and Jody (this is Joes nickname that Janie gave him) soon discovers that the town only consists of 50 acres and feels the need that he needs to buy 200 more acres and pay for it all in cash. Which I am sure back than that was unheard of. The town ended up making Jody  the Mayor. It wasn’t long until Jody started losing his focus on Janie and put his main focus into the town. When Janie asked him to slow down he responded with “I haven’t even started yet” so at that point she already felt lonely. In a way this has me thinking of the business guys we see in movies today that their work is more important than there family. They think that money will buy happiness but it really doesn’t. It also didn’t help with the town not knowing what side to take with her they were all jealous of her but at the same time respect her because she is the Mayors wife. I think this would be hard for me. I feel like Janie is a sweet, precious lady trying to find herself and she in no means would cause any harm to anyone  but she has a husband that is bossing around the whole town and it would be hard for me to like someone who is married to someone like Jody himself. However I feel like Janie could desperately use a friend in so many ways!

In Chapter 6 I am starting to feel like Janie made a wrong choice and she should have never left with Joe but I am also not saying she should have stayed with Logan. Us girls though we only learn after we actually experience it(well that’s how it is for me anyways).  Joe and Janie have been married for seven years now and one night at supper Jody did not like how the food was made and ended up slapping Janie! That right there, I would have went running as far as I could after I took everything first though. At no point do I feel like its right to hit your significant other. Especially after she just had cooked him a meal umm excuse me at least he is getting fed is all I want to say to him! Janie ends up saying “the bed was no longer a daisy-field for her and Joe to play in. It was a place where she went and laid down when she was sleepy and tired.” I couldn’t help but laugh at how she put this into words but it also made me sad because it kind of told me right there that the love between the two was no longer there.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds like it keeps the reader wondering. I like that. I agree with what you said about feeling like you need to go look for your man if he just up and left without any notification.
    I think it is sad that Joe and Janie might not love each other anymore, but i do not know why they wouldn't. Something may have happened to affect their relationship.


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