Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kayla Schauer

1984 By George Orwell
This book is really grabbing my attention. The part I am at is where he gets his journal or dairy whatever you would like to call it. “The actual writing would be easy. All he had to do was transfer to paper the interminable restless monologue that had been running inside his head, literally for years.” That part caught my attention because why didn’t he start this awhile ago when he first starts thinking about this stuff that he wanted to write down. Then I learn that it is illegal to do have a dairy.
Well he was at his work they have a thing called “Two Minute Hate”. Well they were taking their seats Winston caught eye of two people that he works with. He sees them around but never talked them. He right away looked at the woman who was walking with the man that he knows. He dislikes nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones.  I don’t understand why he doesn’t like young women. I don’t know if women have ever done anything to him on why he doesn’t like them.
During the “Two Minute Hate” I learned that a guy named Emmanuel Goldstein the Enemy of the People.  When everyone saw the man on the screen they started hisses. Goldstein was an renegade and backslider who once long ago had been one of the leading figure of the Party almost at a level of Big Brother.  Big Brother is the head guy or the “President” of the people. 
Winston hated women because he always wanted to go to bed with all the young pretty women but he couldn’t.  When Winston got home he found his dairy and started writing in it. Like what happened that day and DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER. He filled a paper full of that just that. But that’s why this is illegal it’s called a Thought crime. They never did anything but it was thought about it.
When you get arrested it happened at the night when nobody knows that they are missing until morning. No one talks about what happen they just let it go. They call it being vaporized. I find it funny why don’t they say killed instead of vaporized. I don’t understand that.
Winston was dreaming about his mother and sister. His sister he only remembers as a tiny feeble baby, always silent, with large, watchful eyes. They were in a saloon of a sinking ship they looked at him with the water raising the mother and his sister were going to died but he couldn’t do anything.  They sat in the bottom and didn’t make a sound his sister did cry or anything. I found that kind of weird that he was dreaming about them. They weren’t really said in the book but I also have some more reading this next week.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you follow up the summary with questions and your own opinion!
    At the beginning you say you didn't know who having a diary/journal was illegal and you also didn't know why he hated women. However, at the end you answered both of the questions. Next week, maybe try to complete the whole idea then move on to the next idea.
    I loved your blog though!
    The plot seems extremely interesting.
    I hope you enjoy reading it C:


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