Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week 4 The Sun also Rises,Erhnest Hemmingway After Jake and Bill were done with there fishing trip, they met up with Robert Cohn, Brett, and Mike in a spanish town. In the town there getting ready for a week long fiesta. The group plan to stay for the whole fiesta.

During one night while they were drinking and have supper, Mike who was very drunk, calls Robert Cohn out for always following Brett around. Robert who has been trying to Brett gets defensive but the others soon break it up and things settle down. This part showed that Mike has very blunt personality and also shows how Robert seems to have an annoying personality.

During the fiesta they go to a bull fight which is the biggest part of the fiesta. After, mike who was once again drunk, calls Robert out again. Only this time says that he does not know how to have fun because he never drinks and didn't enjoy the bull fight. I was wondering why Robert would just take that from him, in the beginning it said he was a boxing champion of his college.

1 comment:

  1. that is wierd, if he was a boxing champion you would think he'd punk out that fool that keeps making fun of him. Maybe he will end up doing that later in the book


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