Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 4: The Grapes of Rath

     Now that the Joad's are in the good part of California, the problem is finding jobs. They are in a Hooverville at the moment. So then the most infuriating part I have read so far happens; Rose of Sharon's, a pregnant relative who is travelling with them, husband Connie just leaves. He waits until she falls asleep and then leaves! The whole book not a lot is said about Connie but what is said is good, like how he loves his wife and just has the glow of a proud father-to-be. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he just waits for Rose of Sharon to fall asleep and then just walks away. People see him walking and they just figure he is coming back, and then he never does. How can you leave your wife who is pregnant with your baby??? I just don't understand this guy.
     Meanwhile, Tom has been talking to some other people in the Hooverville and finds out the police don't like these "Okies." They have so much dislike towards them that they are burning down the Hoovervilles. Soon, this starts to happen to the Hooverville the Joads are living in, so they quickly pack up and leave towards a government camp. Rose is just distressed over this, and rightfully so, because she still thinks Connie is coming back. Just in case he does come back, Tom left word with a local store clerk to tell him where they went. I really hope Connie doesn't come back. I know it will be hard on Rose, but no one deserves to have a guy in their life that is just going to leave any time there is a tiny bump in their life. I mean they had barely even looked for work! They had been in California for what? all of maybe 3 days! That is way to early to just give up on your wife and unborn child. Also, Rose will be fine because she has a huge and very caring family to help take care of her and the baby.
       Anyway, the Joads travel to this government camp, and they get the last available spot. These camps are basically camp grounds that are run under the rule of camp-elected committees. The men's committee makes the rules, and the women's committee cleans the camp. These camps are complete with running water, showers and toilets. I mention this because this is the first time the family has had these conveniences. The 2 little kids, Winfield and Ruthie, are kind of scared at first, which I find very funny. When they finally go to the bathroom, and pull the chain, they are scared that they broke the toilet because it made funny sounds. Even Rose and the mom are a little leery, but when they finally take a shower, they are so refreshed and decide they are going to do it everyday. This makes me very grateful for what I have, because we are so used to having these things, we would be lost without them, and we take them for granted. They, however, see them as a rare treat.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl hey! Sounds like your book is picking up just a little, i would hate to go so long without a shower or running water, makes me think of all the things i take for granted.


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