Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 4-1984

I have changed my book because I could not take reading that book any longer. Absolutely nothing was happening in that book and I would fall asleep reading it. The last two of the chapters that I read only described how they want to go on a fishing trip. I have now started a new book that sounds much more interesting. I have not gotten to far in this book yet because I have been very busy this past week and weekend. So I don't have a huge clue on whats really going on. It is called 1984 by George Orwell. So far this book is about a 39 year old man named Winston Smith. Winston is an official in a political group in England. In England they have this totalitarian government, in which the government has pretty all control over the people. They have spies that look out for people that somewhat stick out. Smith doesn't really like how the government controls every aspect of the people. So he wants to try and make it more of a democracy so the people wont be pushed and shoved around.  Winston writes in this journal about stuff he thinks about the government and some how they find out. He pretty much suspects that the police are going to show up at his house to arrest him, but instead its the Junior Spies. The Junior Spies are a group of young kids that spy on the officials to see if they are being disloyal to the party/government. After this happens Winston says that he is pretty much screwed because the party is going to find out.

Winston works in the record section in the Ministry of Truth. His job is to destroy records within the government. He is also in charge of promoting the "Big Brother" signs. Which is like, be careful what you are doing at all times because the government can peek in and check up on you at all times. The book goes on a little while and then it says that the government doesn't like its people to have sex. Winston's ex-wife, Katherine, didn't like to have sex and Winston did. So after he realized they were never going to have children together, they decided to separate.

I do have some questions about this book so far though. My first question is, how did the Junior Spies find out that he had a secret diary that he wrote bad stuff about the government in? Second, if the party/government finds out about the diary, what is going to happen to him? Will he be murdered? Cast out of the country? Or maybe even put in jail?

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really interesting book so far with an unpredictable ending. I've heard from many people that it's good, so I hope you're enjoying it as well, and it's better than the last one!


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