Sunday, March 10, 2013

week six, the catcher in the rye

After Stradlater gets home from his date he reads the composition that Holden wrote for him. He was annoyed because it had nothing to do with the assignment. Holden tore the paper up and threw it away. And then Holden smokes a cigarette in the room just to annoy Stradlater. Holden finally asked Stradlater about his date with Jane. Stradlater wouldn’t tell Holden any of the details so Holden attacks him. Stradlater tried to calm Holden down by holding him down on the floor but Holden insults Stradlater so he punches Holden and gave him a bloody nose. I don’t think it was necessary that Stradlater punched Holden. I think that he could have handled it a little more maturely. I also don’t think that Holden needed to insult Stradlater.
That night Holden tries to fall asleep but can’t stop thinking about Jane and Stradlater. Holden talks to Ackley about it but he gets annoyed so he leaves. He decided that he was going to leave for New York that night. Holden walked to the train station and caught a late train to New York. On the train he meets one of his classmate’s mom. Holden doesn’t like the boy so he lies to his mom. He tells her that his name is Rudolph Schmidt, who is actually the janitor. Holden tells her he is headed to New York for a brain tumor operation. I don’t think Holden should have lied to the lady about all this stuff, especially the brain tumor.
             When Holden gets to Penn Station he can’t think of anyone to call so he takes a cab to the Edmont Hotel. His cab driver didn’t seem interested in talking but he tried to make conversation. When he got his room he decided to call a girl named Faith Cavendish. He got her number from a boy at a party. Holden tries to make a date with her but she refuses. She tells him she needs her beauty sleep. But she did offer to meet with him the next day. Holden doesn’t want to wait that long and he hangs up without setting up a time or place to meet her. I don’t think Holden should be so selfish about not being able to see Faith. He should have set something up with her.
            Holden doesn’t ever discuss his feelings. He didn’t talk to Stradlater about how he felt when he took Jane on a date. He didn’t tell Faith that he was angry that she wouldn’t meet him that night. I think that if Holden would discuss his feelings he wouldn’t be so stressed. He seems like he tries to impress people by making them think he doesn’t have any emotion. If he told people how he felt they would understand and wouldn’t judge him. They could help him decided what to do in the situation.
            This book is getting better and better each page I read. Some chapters make me want to read till the end but others don’t interest me very much. Hopefully ill be done with it in the next two weeks. I’m not a reading kind of person.

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