Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 6

I am still reading 1984. I haven't been getting a lot of time to read because of work again. I still have not found a book that I am 100% into reading yet. This book is getting more and more about the government. It is also pretty hard to read. At some points it even gets pretty confusing. Winston knows that there is something wrong with the government and I get the impression that he really does want to make a difference and make a change for the better. It is very hard to do though when you are being watched by the government all the time. I think that we all can some what relate to this book because it seems like our government is getting more and more involved in everything. I just feel like they are trying to take more and more of our freedoms away every day.

They have these bills that go to the house that try restricting seat belt laws and other dumb things that should be our choice. Winston wasn't able to express his opinion and or his emotion about what he thought of the government. I couldn't even imagine not being able to do whatever I want when I want, let alone not even being able to think about what I think it right. I am not really sure what else to write about in this blog because all this book is about it just how the government is getting crazier and crazier.

I do have a few questions though. My first question is what is going to happen in the end when they find out about him. My second one is will his legacy of trying to change the government live on?

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