Friday, March 8, 2013


I finished 1984! Overall I did enjoy the read. It was not too difficult of a book to read or understand. I am a very picky reader, in order to keep up with reading a book I need to like it a lot.  At first I really didn’t enjoy reading 1984, but once everything started coming together and opening up I began to like it more. One of the most interesting things for me about the book was how it is about the future government. Lately, government and war have been popular topics all around the world. This book kind of opened my eyes.  If we don’t start doing something about all of the changes, in my opinion, something like 1984 could very well happen to the United States of America. This would not be good.

Now for the big question what in the world happened at the end? Initially I really did think that Winston died, and his physical existence was forever forgotten. But then I reread it and reread it, and thought about it. It was very surprising, and confusing too. It’s all over no more rebelling, hiding his true thoughts and feelings. He has fallen into the rut, and the one thing he didnt want to happen, happened. This is SO disappointing. I wanted Winston to change something. And make a difference, which he may have a little yes, but not in the way I was hoping for. Winston, in a sense, gives up.  I think Orwell had it end this way to make the readers think. To make them think how there is no escape when something this powerful develops. In the book Animal Farms one theme is power corrupts, I got a similar feeling while reading 1984. Not in the sense that is corrupts it leader, because Big Brother had to be evil already, but that is corrupts even the people that leader is controlling. They get so much shoved into there head that is pure crap, that they just start to believe it and live a lie subconsciously knowing it is wrong. (If that makes any sense at all) So much power to one particular area or person is not good and not much good can come from it.

Living in the world that Orwell created in 1984 would be terribly hard. Not being able to think freely, hiding your thoughts, it is hardly imaginable. Winston had a lot of guts to stand up for what he believed was the right way to live, but in the end was not as succesful as i had hoped for.  It is a downer. I expected the ending to be much different.  I expected Winston to die standing up for what he believed in and die fighting.  There is no escaping Big Brother now.

Overall this was an educational book. I enjoyed when it started to get more exciting. It was an eye opener to what could really be out there, and what can really happen in this world.

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