Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 6 Blog

As I am near the end of the book I just realized something, this book doesn’t have chapters. It just has three different parts to the book. I thought this was strange and I really didn’t even notice it until I was close to the end? So it made me wonder, why are there chapters to books? I mean do we really play that close of attention to them? I obviously don’t. However, as the Captain is trying to explain to Montag why what they’re doing is okay the Captain says “Montag, take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing! Nothing you can teach or believe.”  What a hypocrite right! What makes it okay for the Captain to be able to read the books but no one else? Why didn’t his house get burnt down than?
After the captain left, Montag decided to show Mildred something that he has hidden from her for a while now. He had been hiding several books in the air conditioning vent for quite some time now and Mildred had no idea. I think this is almost as bad as cheating on your wife I mean he knows the consequences that would take place if anyone found out about the books and his wife has no idea that her house contains any books at all. Well why would she ever even think twice her husband is a fireman. After he filled Mildred in what was going on I believe  he already had his mind made up on what he was going to have to do. He ended up visiting a guy that he ran into a few years back and they got a plan together on what to do. However he had to pay one more visit to the Captain before they followed through with the plan. When Montag was at the fire station they ended up getting a call and Montag was forced to go because if he didn’t than the Captain would get suspicious and know that Montag was up to something. As they approached the house Montag and the Captain were in disbelief to find out that it was Montag and Mildreds home. Could you imagine having that feeling inside you pulling up to your own house? I don’t know what I would do.
When Montag was talking to his old friend he said “That’s the good part of dying; when you’ve nothing to lose, you run any risk you want.” So at Montag’s house the Captain announced to everyone that Montag was going to burn down the house all by himself and when he was done he was under arrest. This is when the quote struck me. What will Montag do. I mean either way his life is over with. His wife left him, he wasn’t going to have a house, he has no job, and he was going to jail. What does he really have to his name to live for? After the house was burnt to nothing Montag looked at the Captain and said “we never burned right” and scorched him with fire and right before he was about to take off on the run he said one last thing to Beatty, “you always said don’t face a problem, burn it. Well now I’ve done both. Goodbye, Captain. This is interesting to me because I think so many people today don’t face their problems and they just run away from them. Seriously you make your own bed you lie in. What is running away going to do for you? Nothing it is just going to push it back until you are forced to deal with it later on and by than you probably have a lot more problems piled up that you ran from.

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