Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 6

Well I finished 1984 by George Orwell.  I was a good book but I was a little put off by the ending.  Winston and Julia are captured by the ministry of love and are tortured both physically and mentally.  Winston is told by a torturer named O’Brien "Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living -- We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves".  Winston and Julia had thought that the government could never take away there love, in the end they are proven wrong.  When Winston gets back to his boring life he betrays his love of Julia to Big Brother.  This is a sad part because it proves to the readers that government can control you.  I think the book had to end like this though for George Orwell to prove his point.  He shows how overboard the government can go and heeds the warning.  I wish the book would have went the way I wanted it to, I had wanted Winston and Julia to start a rebellion, to get rid of this crazy world they live in but they were basically brainwashed.  I am starting a new book now called The Hobbit.  I think I will like this book more than 1984.  I watched all of the Lord of the Ring movies and read most of the books and enjoyed them all. I have been told that The Hobbit is what happens before the Lord of the Rings has officially started.  They also made a movie called The Hobbit based on this book so once I am done reading I will get to watch the movie and see how closely they followed the story line.  I am hoping I get to see Gandalf and what happens to make his character, him.  I have not started this book yet because the librarians still hate me because I keep forgetting to bring my book back so I avoid the library at all costs.  The blonde one knows m name and I see her twice a day, speaking of which she walked into the classroom as I was typing this.  I plan on going to the public library sometime this weekend and getting it then I get more than two weeks plus I won’t have to deal with the bratty librarians.  The other day I was in the library and the brown haired one started screaming at two girls who were at the wrong computers, then made them move and pushed the rolly chairs away as hard as she cold.  I would’ve been slightly scared , buut she is an old lady, not too intimidating.  Well It looks like this is the end of the blog, sorry about the rant on the librarians, a majority of them need an attitude check.  Maybe we just need nicer librarians, like cute old grandmas! Not these rude ladies. So that is all for this blog so see you later my modern literature blog.

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