Friday, March 8, 2013

East of Eden week 6

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Week 6

And so continues this slow, but interesting book. What I am actually going to do it stop the story of Charles and Adam here for now and introduce you all to a….”special” character named Cathy. Such an innocent name, what could possibly go wrong? Surely with Adam and Charles’ life continuing to be rocky shouldn’t there be a character to help raise up the two young men to a straighter and healthier path?

Haha, no.

Cathy is a sadistic, witch who was born beautiful, but flawed. She was born without the ability to give or receive any form of love or kindness. So Cathy goes around her whole life just twisting and exploiting people for her own personal gain without any inkling of remorse.

                To start off this retched tale, Cathy manipulated her school teacher into loving her and there for receiving the perfect grades for sexual favors and such. Cathy realizing this was getting out of her hands and would eventually turn out badly for her dropped the teacher and let him fall into a deep state of depression, so deep in fact that he goes to her home late at night and the  one to answer the door is her father who turns him away not knowing why in the world the teacher would be on his front porch. The school teacher that same night went to the town church and committed suicide at the alter.

Cathy’s father had a growing business at the house, she learned the trade and helped often with the work, and once she knew financing inside, outside, and upside down, she decided the perfect way to get the deposit money on the company without causing any bout of alarm or more importantly, suspicion from the townsfolk. Drum rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll……………..SHE STAGED THE DEATH OF HER AND HER PARENTS. But she actually killed her parents. And burned down the house. And burned the company building right next door. And made it look all like a murder that she did not commit.

Cathy is smart, so smart that she goes to a whoremaster and gets hired, and starts work far from her birth home.   She has over $4,000 in her pocket from the business deposit from the bank, she is locked, loaded, and out of the prying eyes of good townspeople.

She actually eventually seduces the whoremaster, and conveniently gets a whole house to herself out in the woods far, again, from prying eyes. The perfect setting for a murderess.

But, how do Cathy, Adam, and Charles link together? This doesn’t make any sense. You may be wondering, but further into the book and deeper into the details, and at a later date, one will soon realize how the nasty Cathy and our innocent men come to meet. Trust me. It is absolutely not a pretty sight. When I read it I first thought that Cathy deserved everything that she was dealt, but then, she was given a second chance she was absolutely unworthy of. Rawr.

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