Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 6: The Grapes of Rath

     Well I finished reading The Grapes of Rath and though Ms. Brannan said I would love the ending, I hated it, a lot. I do not like books that randomly end and this seemed exactly that. The only person who has a chance of living happily ever after is Al, and we aren't even sure if that happens.
     Tom, the main character of the whole book, just goes off and leaves because he killed another guy. I completely understand why he killed the guy but still, I feel like they could have followed Tom a little in the end to show him going and helping strikers. As a reader, you almost assume he will die because even Tom doesn't have hope that he will live, but I'd still like some clarity. Leaving you guessing just leaves you to basically finish his story.
     Also, Rose of Sharon's baby dies. Well according to the book the baby never "lived." As a strong Catholic I believe life begins at conception, but I understand what Steinbeck was trying to say. Then, Uncle John was supposed to go bury they baby,but then he just floats it down the stream for the people who don't like the "Okies" to find. He wants to send a message to them that this is what they are doing to humans, they are killing their babies. I think this is a courageous way to protest, but at the same time it is a little creepy. Also, what would happen if Rose or the mom saw the baby? That would be completely devastating for them.
     The rest of the family is living in a flooding boxcar and are unable to get out.So Rose, the mom, and the two kids run to this abandoned barn. When they get their, there is a boy and his father huddled in the corner. The father is dying because he was sick and hadn't eaten in six days. The boy asked them if they had food or milk or money to buy any and they didn't. So Rose decides to breastfeed a 40 year old. I understand that times were tough and these people were completely desperate, but still, I think it was gross and WAY too much information.
      After she's breast feeding the guy, the book just ends. So you really don't know what happens. I really don't like when authors do this because it's kind of like them saying, "Well I'm sick of writing, I think I'll just let it stop right hear even though none of the problems have been solved." This is an ending that a book with a sequel,but yet, it doesn't.
      Despite the ending, I loved most of the book. Well about half to be exact. All of the description was just a little too much for me, but the story was great. By the end I couldn't put the book down. Then I got to the end and I actually turned the page to see if there was more even though I already knew there wasn't. Overall I would probably recommend the book only if the person reading it is patient.

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