Friday, March 8, 2013

week 6 The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien starts out in a village full of hobbits. There about half the size of anormal human and live very simple, avoiding any kind of war or fighting. Gandolf, a wizard, comes to visit his hobbit friend Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is the main character and he is a wealthy, standard hobbit who's never really traveled and lives a low key life in his home thats built into a hill. Gandolf is a very powerful wizard with a pointy hat. The two talk and have tea and Gandolf leaves. When Gandolf leaves he puts a mark on the door without Bilbo knowing. At this point i'm wondering where the stories going and figured that the mark has to mean something.

The next day, twelve dwarfes pile into Bilbos house like they own the place competley unannonced asking for food and drink. Dwarfes are shorter than humans but taller than hobbits but are very thick and heavy and they have long beards. I figured out by now that Gandolf had something to do with this and the mark on the door was to tell the dwarfes where to go. After a bit, Gandolf comes in and the explantion as to the dwarfes are there comes out. Without telling Bilbo, Gandolf told the dwarfes that Bilbo was an expert burgular and would go on their journey with them. The dwarfes journey was to go back the mountain that dwarfes used to live and take back their kindom and treasure from a dragon that had taken it from the dwarfes ancestors. Here i'm confused because why would they need a burglar and why Bilbo considering he's not burgalar. After much barginning and a promise of the treasure, Bilbo reluctanly agrees to go on their journey. I can tell that Bilbo is more adventurous then what he seems being that he agrees to go on a long, dangerous journey with 12 strangers on 1 day notice. So the 14 of them set out on the journey.

At first, it was easy going, they had plenty of food and were riding ponies. But the further they went the further into the wild it was and their high spirits were quickly dying. After a while, they ran out of food and it started to rain very hard. All Bilbo thought was being back at his hobbit hole by the fire with plenty of food to eat. When he's decribing that, it reminds me of when i'm out hunting. Some days when your cold and your feet are wet and you aren't having any luck all you think of is being back at home.

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