Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 6

Crazy things have happened in my book. Winston and Julia have been caught by the police! They were spending the day together in the room Winston rented and they fell asleep. They didn’t wake up till the next morning when the telescreen behind the picture started to talk. They had no clue that there was a telescreen in the room and it turns out they have been listening to them for a very long time. When they took the picture off of the wall they revealed the screen with a person looking at them. He ordered them to stand back to back with their hands in the air and to stand still and not to talk. Winston became very frightened about what would happen to them. They heard footsteps from the police coming up the stairs and the sounds of choppers outside. When they entered the room they threw Winston and Julia to the ground. Winston held still for he knew that if he made any movement he would be hit or kicked.

                Winston woke up in a white room. He was sitting on a hard bench by himself. There were four telescreens in the room. When he made a little bit of movement a person would yell at him from the telescreen to sit still. There were guards outside of the room standing watch. Suddenly the door opened and a woman was rushed in. She was there for prostitution. Not even and hour later a guard came in and told her to go to room 101. As the day went on people came and go with guards, and all of them were ordered to room 101. What was in room 101? Suddenly, Winston’s co-worker O’Brian came into the room. He was there for hate crimes against Big Brother. He was very surprised to see Winston there with him.

                Winston had been in the room for hours when two guards were ordered to take him for his confession. They tortured him for hours to get him to confess to crimes he had never committed. The punched, kicked, pulled hair, mocked, and shamed him. He knew they weren’t going to kill him until they got all of his crimes out of him, but he wished that they did kill him because the torture was getting worse. To make matters worse, he didn’t know where Julia was. He had realized that he hadn’t thought of her for all day. He wondered where she was, if she was okay, or if she was dead. Then a guard came into his torture chamber and ordered him to room 101.

                I really do wonder what is in room 101 and if it is worse than the torture. Most of the people that have gone to room 101 begged not to be sent there, so I know it is going to be bad. I am also wondering where Julia is. Wouldn’t she be sent to the same holding cell as Winston, or was she killed when they were arrested? One thing that came to mind was maybe she was apart of the police and she was using him to build up charges of hate crimes against him. But I guess we will have to wait and see.

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