Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 6: My Antonia

A lot has happened since the last time I have blogged. The Burden family has rented out their farm and has moved to town. While in town Jim began attended school. Shortly after the Burden family moved to town Antonia got hired at their neighbor’s house to help clean and cook. Jim absolutely loved having Antonia so close to him. He grew very fond of her; however, Antonia never showed that she felt the same way. I believe that later in the book that Antonia and Jim will end up getting married.
The summer after they moved to town a dance company came into town. Once a week everyone from town gathered together for dancing lessons. These lessons were the highlight to everyone’s week. After the dance company left, the town decided to open up their own dance studio. Everyone always wanted to dance with Antonia and her friend, Lena Lingard. This fact made Jim extremely jealous. At the same time, however, Antonia was very protective over who Jim spent time with and danced with. At this point in the story, I was confused about if they both liked each other why they never told each other.
Now I’m going to jump ahead a little ways to get to the next interesting story. C: Jim moved to Lincoln, Nebraska to attend the University. During his second year at the University Lena Lingard, who had opened a sewing shop in town, visited him at his room. When she knocked on the door Jim had absolutely no idea who stood before him. After the awkward introduction, they spent much time together during that year. Jim slowly fell in love with Lena. He had started pulling away from his studies in order to spend more time with her. Jim’s friend thought it would good for him if Jim followed him to Harvard. At first, Jim despised this idea. He decided to ask Lena if she felt the same way about Jim as he did for her. Sadly… she didn’t. Lena stated that she would never marry. The next year Jim went to study at Harvard where he finished his education.
After he was done with his education he decided to go back home to his grandparents. While he was there he heard that Antonia had a baby, but she wasn't married. The baby’s father left Antonia. It was a disgrace if a woman had a child without being married. However, Antonia never let this fact bother her. She showed off her baby! What I like most about Antonia is that she won’t let anything or anyone stop her from what she wants to do. I admire for her strength and her individuality.
This week’s reading ended with Jim trying to figure out the exact story about what happened to Antonia while he was gone. I really enjoy reading this book. I love the plot and the characters. I never want to put down the book once I pick it up. 

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