Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 6

1984 By George Orwell

Winston has the job of rewriting time making something that a person that was vaporized disappears so no one knows about it. What I found interesting about this part was the way the date was written. It was December 3rd 1983 that he had to change the newspaper. But the way they write it was like 3.12.83. I found that really weird. When he rewrote this paper his made up a different person that did all this amazing stuff like turning in his uncle for thought crimes and making a grenade. It was like everything he wanted to do he put in one person.

                The next part of the book Winston and Syme were talking about razor blades. At that time they were not making anymore because of the war. Winston had 2 extra but didn’t want to share them with Syme who really need a new one. Then they were going to lunch and were talking about the hanging of the enemies. How Syme hated when they tied there feet together they don’t struggle as much do it wasn’t that fun to watch.

                When I read this part I was so surprise on what they were talking about. Why would you talk about that? That’s just not right. But this is the life they live in the book they enjoy things like that. The next topic was the new dictionary that was coming out that Syme was working. Syme was working on writing the dictionary. I got a laugh we I read this. When Syme said that they were taking bad out of the dictionary and putting ungood in couldn’t believe that was true. Then when you wanted to say something was better they changed that to plusgood. That doesn’t make any sense to me but in this book that’s what they do/say.

                Later on that day when Winston went home he took his diary out and started writing. At this time I found out that he had a wife named Katharine. That was a shock but I also believe that, that’s why he doesn’t like women.  They parted way because at this time divorce wasn’t an option but Winston said that they have be parted for about 10 years or so but he couldn’t remember. I feel that that’s something that you would want to remember that was you wife. Well they were married they had one big problem and I think that’s why he chooses to forget about her. Katharine didn’t like sex I know it kind of weird to talk about it. But well they were together she called it “making a baby” or “our duty to the party”. They had set days that they would do it and if it didn’t work they would just keep trying until they both got tired of it and decide to part ways.

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