Friday, March 8, 2013

Blog 6- It's Getting Better

Since my last blog, I’ve started to enjoy my book, The Postman Always Rings Twice, more than before. It had an upbeat pace from the beginning, but I just wasn’t really understanding or feeling for the characters yet. I left off in my last blog at the part where Frank is deciding whether or not he should work for the Greek again. He decides to, and he and Cora basically pick up where they left off. They form another plan to kill the Greek with a “fake” car accident. This time, they succeed, but they are still taken to court because of suspicions. They eventually are sentenced “not guilty,” and they go back to live together at the restaurant. However, since Frank is a “bum,” as Cora calls him, he doesn’t like to stay in one place for long, so he wants her to go away with him to live somewhere else. He claims that it’s because everything around the restaurant reminds him of the Greek, and he wants to get away from it all. However, Cora doesn’t want to move; the restaurant is doing well, and she doesn’t like to “roam around.” Then, Cora gets a call saying that her mother is sick, so she goes away for a week. Frank meets a girl named Marge, who has wild jungle cats as pets, outside the restaurant, and he decides to go away with her for a week. While he’s with her, he tells her he’s willing to help her catch some jungle cats just because she asked him if he would. When I read that, it came as a complete shock to me. Here, he acted like he was “so in love” with Cora, but then he goes away with some girl he just met while Cora’s at her mother’s funeral. I was quite angry, actually. I don’t care for Cora that much either, but I still feel terrible for her. Cain doesn’t write if Frank and Marge had sex, so I don’t think that they did, but either way, it’s still very inappropriate. I mean, it’s inappropriate that Cora and Frank are together at all because they killed her husband, but it’s even worse that Frank might be cheating on Cora now. I’m at the part where Frank does tell Cora that he went away while she was gone, and Cora doesn’t care, but he hasn’t told her any details yet. I’m curious to see if he will, or if he’s going to keep this from her. Honestly, I don’t think Cora would be that surprised, just because it’s so something Frank would do, but if my boyfriend even hung out with another girl alone without telling me about it, and I found out, I’d be pretty upset. Maybe if he told me about it beforehand and explained the situation, I would understand, but if I had to find out from someone else, I don’t think the relationship would last very long. I’m a lot more interested in the book now, but I’m still hoping that the ending is good. I’m almost done with it; I just hope the end isn’t disappointing.

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