Sunday, January 27, 2013

week1, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway starts out describing a charcter named Robert Cohn. Cohn is from a rich jewish family from New York. He is shy and was a middleweight boxing champion in college. After divorcing his first wife he moves to california where he meets a girl named Frances who talks him into moving to paris.

While in Paris he has a friend named Jake barnes who is the narrator of the story. Jake, Cohn, and other friends go out dancing at a club where Cohn meets Brett Ashley. He asks he to dance but declines and goes with jake instead. I was confused whether or not Brett and Jake were dating because it seemed like they were but then hy did robert Cohn ask her to dance.

Another part that confused me was in chapter six when Harvey Stone started to insult Robert Cohn. Did the two always hate each other or is Harvey just being mean? After that Frances talks to Jake without Cohn there saying that Robert won't marry her nd she doesn't think anyone will.

Up to chapter 6, this book is horrible. So far basically nothing has happened. While its a easy book to read, it almost impossible to read without losing interest. Hopfully, the story picks up in th next couple chapters because so far there has been no plot


  1. It does kind of seem like Brett likes Jake. I think you're right about that, or that Jake likes her. Why does Cohn ask her to dance? Can't people do that? There are all these loose characters running in and out of the book. I wonder how they'll come together. Is it worth finishing, or do you just want to switch books? For me, this story comes down to Jake and Brett, and I do like the end. What do you think, stick with it or not?

  2. you make the story sound confusing and boring. i feel bad for you and i hope the story gets better and maybe the next blog is a little more positive


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