Sunday, January 27, 2013

week one - The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway is about a man named Robert Cohn. He was a boxing champion but he disliked boxing. Cohn was taught how to box by a man named Spider Kelly. Kelly overmatched him and got his nose permanently flattened. Kelly knows Cohn’s standards and should have never out him in that match. Cohn went to military school where he prepared for Princeton; he was very good at football. He got married to the first girl that was nice to him; they had three children and were married for five years. Cohn thought about leaving his wife but couldn’t do it because he had thought it would be too cruel. When he made up his mind to leave her she had left him for a miniature-painter. Neither of them should have given divorce a thought because of the kids, it would make a big impact on their lives.
            Cohn had then met a woman by the name of Frances who he was sure he loved. He had been an editor for a magazine but it became too expensive so he had to give it up. When Frances realized the magazine was not going to rise she decided she might as well get what there was while it was available. She is practically using Cohn for his money and she doesn’t show that she actually loves Cohn. She urged him to go to Europe and write. They went to Europe and stayed for three years. Cohn had written a novel while in Europe. That winter he went to America and a fairly good publisher accepted it.

Cohn had two friends, Braddocks and Jake. Cohn had talked to Jake about moving to South America. “Listen, Robert, going to another country doesn’t make any difference. I’ve tried all that. You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. There’s nothing to that,” Jake told Cohn. Jake should have told Cohn that it was a good idea to go to South America because Cohn could explore the world and see what’s out there. Maybe Cohn could have been an editor for a newspaper or a magazine in South America. Maybe he could have even written another novel.

Jake had met a woman named Georgette on the terrace of Napolitain. They were in the Tuileries and she cuddled and against Jake, so he put his arm around her. She looked up at him and touched him with one hand but he pushed it away. He shouldn’t have because she may have thought she did something wrong but she was trying to be friendly, but maybe a little too friendly. They then left to go to a restaurant. Jake and Georgette were at the restaurant for a while before Jake ran into his friends, Cohn, Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Braddocks. Jake brought Georgette into the room full of people and Braddocks and the men at his table stood up. Jake introduced his fiancĂ©e, Georgette to everyone at the table. Everyone must have taken it as a shock because Jake didn’t tell anyone about her until now.  


  1. Alright, decent summary. Now build your reaction in it. What do you think of it so far? Do you like it? You're meeting all these people. What do you think of them? What do you wonder? What are your guesses? Thoughts, feelings?

  2. This sounds like sucj=h an interesting book. I wish you would have wrote how you feel about how Cohn will marry anyone. I was a little confused on why Cohn and his first wife broke up, why did they call it off and what is a minature painter? I am also confused about how Jake and Georgette come into the picture. Why does Jake keep her a secret from his friends? Is he afraid of what they will think of her? Other then that I think it was a god summary.


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