Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1984 By: Hannah Tibke

For my blog post today I will be writing about 1984 by George Orwell. It starts by telling the readers how horrible of a day it is.  It is cold and windy and the character Winston is in a hurry to get inside.  I knew it was another world when the electricity was unreliable and there was such thing as hate week.  I think Winston would’ve gone far, if he was educated properly.  You can tell by how he talks and thinks that he was raised in this awful world. I find it interesting that the Thought Police can see the people through there T.V.’s. You can tell it’s a different world just by this small passage “In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between roofs, hovered for an instance like a blue-bottle, and darted away again with a curving flight.  It was the Police Patrol, snooping into peoples windows.  The patrols did not matter, however.  Only the Thought Police mattered.”  I love this excerpt because it shows how truly twisted this world is, and what Winston lives through every day.  I feel that Winston is a rebel. He does not know it yet, but he is.  He bought a book for two dollars and fifty cents.  He has a spot in his house that is perfectly unseen by his T.V. if he does not move.  Winston is terrified but finds it worth it to look at this book.  It is empty.  So instead of reading it, he writes out all that goes on in his life.

Another interesting thing about Winston is what happens during hate week.  They all gather around a screen and watch a rage filled video put out by their government.  The first thing I thought while reading through this scene is that these people are all insanely brainwashed.  It’s actually kind of ridiculous. Here is a piece that shows how horrible the Hate is ”The next moment a hideous, grinding screech, as if some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room.  It was a noise that set one’s teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck.  The Hate had started.”  Just by reading this you can feel the fear and hate in the room.  These people realize this, but still follow the movie, unfaltering.  There mantra is war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.  This all makes me think, what kind of place is this?  Will Winston be the one to start a war against this government?  Winston is terrified by the supposed “renegades” I have yet to find out if they are the real thing.  However, Winston is totally perplexed by them and can’t take his eyes off them.  So is this a sign?  I foresee that Winston will become a renegade and will fight against his government.   Well that is my guess any ways.  So I have come to the end of my first blog it seems. The End.

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