Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury. Montag is introduced in the story as a man who is a firefighter. Although, he isn’t the normal firefighter we have in today’s society. In this futuristic city montag is one of many firefighters whose job is to actually start fires. In this city, books are not important. All reading material is confiscated and burned by the firefighters. Very few people question the practice of the firefighters burning the literature. Of the few people that do question them, they are met with harsh discipline and the punishment and even death. Montag goes on changing journey that ends him up in the middle of overthrowing the firefighters and his home life. His wife becomes depressed with the thought of her husband destroying all the literature and she tries to commit suicide by taking pills. He also encounters a young girl by the name of Clarisse who tells him he needs to open his mind to the possibilities of reading.
Not too long after his wife tries to kill herself he learns of Clarisse’s terrible death and becomes paranoid that the other firefighters and high officials are after him for suspected crimes of reading books. he finally decides that he wants to learn about the books, so he goes to his secret stash of books that he has taken from his own fires and hidden in a vent. He soon is discovered by a few of his wife’s friends and is turned into his fire chief. The chief takes the books from Montag and forces /Montag to run ffrom the city with all the other firefighters hot on his trail. This leads him to a number of places where he finds himself as well as what he wants to do with the rest of his life.
this book is very interesting for someone who likes science fiction. it has futuristic cities with lots of action and it also has suspence for the reader. the book is a smaller read with only around 175 pages. it has easy to read text. in a personal opinion this book was great. the story line with Montag and the place he lives is also great. it takes the personal opinion of the reader and twists it with the plot of the book. the book has great imagery and it reels you in as it goes. twords the end of the book the story falls flat a little bit because most of the book involves thrill and suspense with all of Montags friends dying and all the people trying to get to Montag but in the end of the book it involves just having Montag travel to different houses and picking up a few books along the way. it doesnt have the same charm and action as the first half of the book. i would recomend this book to anyone who wants a quick, thrilling, and great read.


  1. You finished it, right?

    Hey, if you had to memorize part of a book, what book would you choose and why? Or poem, or anything?

    I wonder what I'd pick.

    I wonder why he picked what he picked.

  2. Sounds like a decent read I like that you summerized well but didnt share everything, i think i might read this one next.


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