Sunday, January 27, 2013

"The Great Gatsby" Tom is not a good man

The Great Gatsby

To start of the book is kind of slow and put me to sleep. I tried to stay awake but it’s a chore to read at times. As I kept reading things sort of started to move along, explaining the setting of West Egg where the main character Nick Carraway lives. People who live in West Egg recently got rich and don’t unlike those of the East Egg. Nick’s neighbor, Jay Gatsby, sounds like a cool guy he throws huge parties every week and has a huge mansion. Nick is not like most of West Egg, he went to yale like a lot of East Egg people did and even goes to dinner with a friend who lives in East Egg which makes me wonder why he would choose to live in West egg.
At dinner with his old classmate he meets a lady named Jordan Baker and they hit it off. Tom ,who Nick went to dinner with has a wife Daisy but also has a lover in some ghetto part of town as well as an apartment to keep the affair secret. This made me mad, why would he need to have an affair especially with some woman from the ghetto who makes fun of his wife. I mean he even breaks her nose. I don’t know if I really like Tom, he seems cocky, stuck up, and isn’t a very nice guy.
I like Nick because he seems level headed, he isn’t stuck up like Tom . his dad taught him good qualities that he referred to in the beginning of the book and I’m happy he did. Gatsby is kind of cool in my mind no one really knows where he came from but everyone knows who he is. He’s almost like a rockstar of some sort. He is also a North Dakota boy which is also a nice plus. I almost find it a little odd that F. Scott picked North Dakota as  the place where Gatsby’s childhood took place, but I like him more just because he did. It makes sense that Gatsby became successful though, because North Dakotans do have excellent work ethic and drive.
So far I don’t hate the book but im not sure if I like it yet either. It’s well written don’t get me wrong but some things about the story bother me. It’s not always my favorite thing to pick up and read but it’s not terrible I guess. I just really dislike how some of the characters behave and why they behave how they do. I’ll be excited when it’s done and I hope I like it more cause inside I think I want to like it but at parts the book makes it hard to. I’m happy the book isn’t very long as well, I don’t know if I could handle it if it was like a 400 page book. I hope it ends well and the way it’s going makes me a little nervous.


  1. Dylan, I like your perceptions of Tom and Nick. The whole "East Egg and West Egg" through me a little when I started reading too, but then I started thinking about some people's attitudes about Bismarck-Mandan and that image helped me get through the beginning. I think the story takes off a little more, as it goes, and the ending carries it away, but you have to decide if you want to stick with it or not.

    Nice summary.

  2. i think you're summary is good. i've read the book before and i also agree that at times the book does get boring. i really like the way you described Tom and Nick.i also like how you're blog isnt just a summary, it has alot or feeling from you as a reader. it shows how you precieved the book as a reader. over all i thought this was a good blog.


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