Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 4 Blog

I finished my book Their Eyes Were Watching God last week and I most definitely would recommend it to anyone. It was the kind of book that I like to read. Jody ended up passing away and Janie soon found another guy to marry. I had a feeling through most of what was left in the book that this new guy was sneaky, he was up to something. Especially since he was such a young man and Janie had been married twice and by no means was getting any younger. I mean I am not one to judge on age if two people love each other that shouldn’t matter I just thought for sure he just wanted to get her money especially because he loved to gamble. I mean right there wouldn’t that make anyone think he was up to no good. However at the end of the book I really saw his true colors and when he had an option to save Janie in the hurricane or let her drown. When he risked his life for her and ended up saving her I realized that he wasn’t just a phony. I was shocked at the ending. I don’t know if I could have did what Janie had to do. It would definitely be hard but if it was for my own life I am sure the will to survive would take over any doubts I would have. All together though it was a great book, go read it!

I started my new book this week it is called Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.  Montag who is the main character is a fireman whose job is to START FIRES! Wait, what?! I know right, aren’t firemen supposed to put fires out?! That is exactly what I was thinking but what I am getting from this book so far is that it is almost a view in the future. The story starts out with Montag meeting a 17year old girl late at night who he continues to meet every day. The night he came home Mildred (his wife) was in bed with a pill bottle lying on the floor empty that was full that morning (MODERN ERA). He ended up calling the hospital and two men came and flushed the pills out of his Mildred’s system. When Montag said “There are too many of us. There are billions of us and that’s too many. Nobody knows anyone. Strangers come and violate you. Strangers come and cut your heart out. Strangers come and take your blood.” It caught my eye because if you really think about it, it’s kind of true. We can put our lives in someone’s hands that we don’t even know surgery for example. On a less serious note though even driving through drive thru some where you have probably never met that person handing you your food but you trust that they never did anything to it. Parents say don’t talk to strangers but what do we really consider strangers? I mean you hear about teachers or cops doing bad things but were supposed to trust them and there not considered strangers?

I am just in the beginning of the book but I think something is wrong with Mildred I think she has Alzheimer’s or something because Montag has pointed out a couple of things so far as where she has forgotten about things. The girl, I like her! She reminds me of this crazy girl that is just constantly running around and her mind is full of thoughts as she is just rambling as fast as she can think saying whatever it is that’s on her mind without even giving you a chance to answer the first question. However, I am pretty confused at this point I don’t really know what to expect from this book especially since it wasn’t on the top of my list but I am going to give it a chance.

1 comment:

  1. That is good that Janie found someone to marry, in your last post, if I remember correctly, her fiancée just up and left or it was her husband, not quite sure. But that is good she found someone who truly does love her.

    A fireman that sets fires... Interesting, I wonder what the purpose is to that. He must be trying to destroy things or people. Maybe they want to hide the past just like in my book 1984. You had mentioned the similarities between our books in a previous comment. I agree with those, they may have similar motives in the books. Mildred sounds like an intriguing character. I wonder why she forgets things. Looking forward to reading more about your book and finishing mine!


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