Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 4: 1984

Winston is starting to question his thoughts. He is starting to make his thoughts of ideas into almost reality ideas. When he said “if there was hope it must lie in the proles”  I feel that is leading up to something that may happen. Although I am not too sure who the proles are,  I think they might be just the bad apples of the town, or the people that almost are rebellious of big brother but do not act upon it. Why are the proles so free though? What makes them how they are? Why can’t everyone be in the proles category?  Winston throws out this idea “until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious” it has a lot of meaning to it. My reaction to those lines was that Winston gets it, he is a smart man. He has so many intelligent ideas and thoughts. If only he had the power to make a difference.
On page 72 it talks about a bomb. I wonder why are they being bombed and who in the world is bombing them? This is quite scary. I do not get why Big Brother is not doing anything to stop this bombing, unless he is behind it…  After he gets up from hitting the ground in order to be safe from the bomb, he goes into a pub. There are a couple of old men in the pub. Winston is determined to talk to one of them and ask them about what life was like before Big Brother tool over. In the History books it says life was terrible and many people did not have food, shelter, or boots. Why throw the boot part in there? I do not know. But when he starts talking to this old man, he finds out the old man does not know very much. He won’t give a certain answer to any of Winston’s questions. I am not sure if that is because he is old and can not remember, or because he does not want to reveal any secrets. Winston thinks it is because he is old and does not remember the correct specifics in full detail.  HE gives up on the old man and goes back to the shop where he bought the diary previously. In the shop he finds a paperweight. Not sure why he would buy this.

Winston talks about how he once caught Big Brother in a lie. Three men were arrested. But Winston had found a piece of paper with mixed up dates. I think the three men are spies now. Something is very off about that whole deal. Big Brother is a manipulative, biased, and overly involved government. It has not helped anything so far. Everyone gets paid the same no matter what the job. Everyone gets the same amount of chocolate too. Nothing so far is good. I do not like how they brain wash everyone, especially the children, who never got a chance to even believe their own beliefs. 

1 comment:

  1. The bomb scene I totally pictured it with my eyes like perfectly I love it. However, I think that the old man wasnt just not telling him anything because he was old I feel like he was threatened and cant say anything but actually wants to but just cant like his life depends on it. However I am kind of confused on why if they arent allowed to keep a diary how did he buy this dairy and if he buys this paperweight isnt it going to start getting suspicious hmmm idk i would be scared.


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