Friday, February 22, 2013


Winston has been thrown for a loop.  The brown haired girl in blue overalls isn’t who he thought.  Winston had been terrified of her; he had thought her a party spy. Then he had shown up at work and her arm was in a sling.  When she falls he helps her up, that is when she hands him the note that says “I love you”.  Winston is totally perplexed; I can see how he would be.  I would be highly suspicious of her also; I would be suspicious of everyone in this different world.  So is she a spy and testing him, or is she a part of the rebellion?  After a week he manages to talk to her!  I was really excited because I am ready for Winston to finally break away from his lonely life.  I find it slightly suspicious that she directs him to a random train station, but Winston is so exhilarated from breaking the rules, he isn’t thoughtful enough to think about it.  I was totally surprised when Winston and Julia make love; Winston asks her how many times she has done this and she reply’s scores of times!  I find it humorous that she has done this so many times only makes Winston happier.  I think that Winston and Julia have a very balanced relationship.  Winston is super suspicious about everything.  Winston is very pessimistic and has a hard time enjoying any part of his life.  Julia is very optimistic, she makes up for all the pain in life through her sex life.  It is the only thing that she looks forward too; she is also very good at getting away with it.  I am very surprised the government has not caught her or Winston yet.  Where are these thought police, is it even real or a rumor?  I hope that Julia gets into being a rebel, I want this government overthrown!  I also get to the point where Winston meets O’Brien.  He considers this the most important event in his life.  I have started to enjoy this book more.  It is still a little slow and you think it is leading up to something exciting or important, but most of the time it doesn’t.  So I am still waiting for a rebellion! I love it when people overthrow there governments.  I think it is exciting and should happen more often!  This week it was hard to find time to read because I am very busy.  I am finding time though.  One morning Winston wakes up crying. He remembers his suppressed memories about his mother’s death.  He truly thought he had killed her.  He remembers him his mother and sister living in a underground shelter.  I think this is really sad, he thought he killed her, which would be a horrible thing to live with.  He couldn’t remember which makes it even worth! No wondering he wasn’t enjoying his life! Julia is there thought and that makes him feel better, anyways, peace out y’all.

1 comment:

  1. It looks good. I cant wait to get more into this book.


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